Hi I’m new here, so maybe you have a clever work around. My use case is: I’m working on Main computer with lipsurf, and start watching video on the other computer, and the only way to stop LipSurf is to pause or mute the video then say sleep then unpause or unmute the video. Is there any smarter way? A simple keyboard key I think be really valuable here to force lipsurf stop listening in a loud environment. Also same occurs on a single computer if sound is rooted through any extensions as in that case it is impossible for lipsurf to detect it and so it doesnt ignore it. Push to talk functionality seems reasonable solution but i would prefer a keyboard key I guess. Thanks for help!
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There’s push to talk, then there’s also a configurable keyboard shortcut to turn LipSurf completely on and off configurable via: chrome://extensions/shortcuts
You can also configure something through your OS to mute the microphone?
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Aha, thanks, I forgot about chrome://extensions/shortcuts - that seems like the best option for me. But I am just curious, does anyone have an idea how to mute microphone globally on chromebooks and chromeOS devices? Is it possible via extensions? That would be a practical and foolproof feature for a lot of use cases. Tnx! Btw, awesome software this lipsurf!
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