Help new chrome deleted lipsurf

I have NO access to the extension because I updated my browser PLEASE HELP ASAP I am disabled and NEED to use this (plus I pay for access so please help me get that access)

Iā€™ve been cut off the same way since like december. Barely even an acknowledgment from the team. I also pay for lipsurf premium so Iā€™m right there with you being angry.

Iā€™ve been using this extension instead. Itā€™s nowhere near as versatile but as a fellow disabled person that needs accessibility features to use the computer, it at least lets me use voice to text.

Same over here in Spain. Here it is the message I get with the suggestion to delete the extension as it is no longer compatible.

Any solutions? I was about to pay for the premium version in order to test how well Spanish diction was.
I even volunteer to help with translations.

ooh thank you so much for the other extension to check out I definitely willā€¦ lipsurf is great to use but the complete lack of ANY support whatsover for a paid extension is insane. I guess I will do their job for them this time though: I was able to get it turned back on. I had to go into my extensions settings and say I still wanted it even though it was warned against, and then also manually turn it back on in like two places and repin the icon and refresh the pages I want to use it onā€¦ but after all of that it is working again. I am going to check out this other extension though, paying money to have to figure everything out myself and for them to not be dealing with this serious issue is just not it

OUGH thank You for letting me know there was a way to turn it back on!! It really is ridiculous that they havenā€™t even put out a post telling people how to do that lmfao Iā€™ll probably just cancel my subscription before the next time it charges me too :confused:

Still no reply from Support??is there a direct email or any form of direct contact with support??
I really need this to work

Hi! Please can you explain to me what to do. Chrome directly remove it from my extension list and I can not add it now, the option is not available. is there a way around this??

there used to be a direct support email but they just ignore my messages nowšŸ™ƒIā€™m trying to remember how I managed to get it back onā€¦ go to the manage extensions page in chrome menu and see if you can find this
(image: review one extension that may be unsafe), then click the 3 dots on the right and click keep extension, then you still have go down into the list of extensions and click ā€œdetailsā€ for that extension and turn it all back on

if it doesnā€™t show up there still maybe try going to lipsurf itself and turning it on then checking the extensions page? IDK because Iā€™M NOT DEV SUPPORT WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS

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Hey guys, you can temporarily enable the extension manually under ā€œmanage extensions.ā€ See the bottom section here:

Of course, Chrome might fully disable it any day now, so the team still needs to fix this. Hopefully, this will help you guys in the meantime.

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Thanks everyone for the tips and patience. Yes, we are working on a fix to make the extension work with the newest requirements by Chrome.

okay in the meantime can you spell out exactly how to get it working again NOW Iā€™m just trying to remember for people but we need a real step by step to find the thing I found