Very long delay between speaking and text being entered (25-45 seconds)

Love this product have been using for years but past several days has become unusable :(. Upon speaking text shows on-screen inside solid gray box but does not type or enter into the webpage until 30 seconds or more later (sometimes up to several minutes or never at all) at which point it displays again on-screen this time in solid green box with writing icon on left and then enters/types into the webpage.

I really hope you can help because I love/loved your product!!

What’s the URL that you’re seeing this on?

Seems to be across the board on all websites/pages. But some examples of sites I frequently use and can confirm seeing the issue on are, and

I have experienced this problem also. It usually goes away when I close Chrome tabs containing scripts or features that chew up CPU when the page should be idle.

The other thing to check would be your custom shortcuts. If you have custom shortcuts that interfere it could cause the CPU to spin. If you export them and share them here or to our support email I can look them over.